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Image by Hannah Busing

Donate to the Marsh

The Marsh Street Community Centre is a non profit, charitable organization dedicated to keeping this historic facility available to all in the community for performing arts and community based events.

How your donations helps.

The building was originally built in 1927 and is in a constant stage of repair and renovation to keep the doors open and the  venue viable and accessible to all.


We need all the help we can get!


Some money will come from grants, some money will come from concert and special events, but we also need help from donors just to pay the monthly bills.


Every donation counts.


Donations come in all sizes and packages:

  • Monthly contributions (automatic contact us for details)

  • Annual donations

  • Pass the Hat at your local club

  • Bequeath a donation to us in your will

  • Hold a Fundraising event for the Marsh

  • Become a member or - new! - upgrade your Marsh Membership.  Click here to check out our membership benefits to see how you can benefit from donating

  • ...and anything else you can think of!

Thank you to our amazing donors.

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